




In EoTL there are broadly speaking 3 types of scroll


Stuff Code Scrolls

 A list of the currently known StuffCode scrolls. 



Shop Value

Blessed Effect

Uncursed Effect Cursed Effect
amnesia 75 30      
punishment 75 30 If you are angelic, rewards you with money based on your eval. If your are not you are punished with a ball and chain.
If you are neutral, rewards you with money based on your eval. If your are not you are punished with a ball and chain.
If you are demonic, rewards you with money based on your eval. If your are not you are punished with a ball and chain.
gibberish 150 60      
light 250 100   lightens one room
Darkens a room
identify 375 150 Identifies all stuff code in your inventory and their cursed/blessed status. Identifies a single stuff code item of your choice in your inventory.
Returns all stuff code items to their un-identified descriptions.
disorientation 500 200      
remove curse 500 200 Changes all stuff code items from cursed to uncursed. Changes one item from cursed to uncursed Changes all stuff code items to cursed
bacon power 625 250      
charging 625 250      
create monster 625 250      
teleportation 625 250 Teleports you to the heart from any location including no teleport rooms.    
stuff location 625 250 Shows the location of a stuff code item of your choice Shows the location of a random stuff code item Moves all of your equipment to a random location on the mud
blessing 750 300 Changes all stuff code items to blessed Changes a single item to blessed Changes all items to cursed
stash location
750 300 Shows the location of a equipment stash and the items there.   Sends all of your equipment to a random location
enchant armor 1000 400      
enchant weapon          
stuff creation     Creates a stuff code item of your choice Creates a random stuff code item Destroys the scroll when read


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Kanori Scrolls

a scroll of displacement



This spell when cast will cause the caster to move in and out of view, making it more difficult to attack her.  When an attacker tries to make contact with you, they will see often times swing and miss as your body is displaced from  the attacker.  Though this does not always happen, it is useful enough that it could very well save your life. 

Malygk language 

Duration: 5 minutes + 1 minute/level 

Effect  [displaced] added to title and chance to avoid any damage taken

This scroll, like most others in Kanori require a knowledge of the language of Malgyk.  Though not very difficult to cast the user must have at least a good understanding of the language. 

Your body will become a shifting, displaced form, often times moving out of the way of attacks without you physically having to do anything yourself.


a scroll of cone of cold



When cast this scroll will release a freezing cold cone that will cover everything in its path.  The temperatures can be so cold in fact that it is known to kill some instantly, freezing then solid in mere seconds.  The cone is approximately fifteen feet long and ten feet wide, hitting anyone in the area around the caster.

Malygk language 



When cast this scroll will release a freezing cold cone that will cover everything in its path.  The temperatures can be so cold in fact that it is known to kill some instantly, freezing then solid in mere seconds.  The cone is approximately fifteen feet long and ten feet wide, hitting anyone in the area around the caster.



a scroll of protection from good 



This scroll will cast strong protective magics onto the body of a chosen target.  From that point on the target will be granted protection from all that is good.  The power of this magic is limited but nonetheless can save you from great peril.

Xins Language

Duration: 10 minutes + 1 minute/level

Effect  Dramatically reduces damage from good aligned opponents

This scroll will cast strong protective magics onto the body of a chosen target.  From that point on the target will be granted protection from all that is good.  The power of this magic is limited but nonetheless can save you from those goody goody beings out to 'save the world'. 


a scroll of protection from evil



This scroll will cast strong protective magics onto the body of a chosen target.  From that point on the target will be granted protection from all that is evil.  The power of this magic is limited but nonetheless can save you from great peril.


Duration: 10 minutes + 1 minute/level

Effect  Dramatically reduces damage from evil aligned opponents

This scroll will cast strong protective magics onto the body of a chosen target.  From that point on the target will be granted protection from all that is evil.  The power of this magic is limited but nonetheless can save you from great peril.



a scroll of hammering fist 



When activated the spell will cause a barrage of air created fists to hammer your opponent into submission.  Made of what many think are tiny air elementals, this spell can have devastating effects.



Effect  Damage 1 target

When activated the spell will cause a barrage of air created fists to hammer your opponent into submission.  Made of what many think are tiny air elementals, this spell can have devastating effects.


a scroll of comprehend languages 



This scroll, when read will amplify the target's comprehension of languages, though it will not be a perfect knowledge.  Some languages will still be unknown to the target despite the use of this scroll..


10 minutes + 1 minute/level

Effect  Increases knowledge of all Kanori languages

To use this scroll you need a small knowledge of the language of Malgyk along with at least minimal intelligence and willpower.


a scroll of fireball



A powerful scroll made by a somewhat powerful wizard, the scroll can be used to send balls of fire into a group of enemies (and sometimes foes) with devastating effects.  Items will burn, skin will melt, and people will die from this powerful spell.



Effect  Inflict fire damage and chance to burn items

To use this scroll you must have some concept of the language of Malgyk.  You also need some willpower to control the spell as well as the intelligence to totally understand the magic you are reading.  It can kill groups of small mortals as well as do quite a bit of fire damage to bigger creatures as well.



a scroll of acid arrow



This scroll when read will cause an arrow of pure acid to stream into the victim causing corrosive damage to their body.  Because it is in the form of an arrow the body will also be pierced by the shaft, causing an even greater wound.




This scroll when read will cause an arrow of pure acid to stream into the victim causing corrosive damage to their body.  Because it is in the form of an arrow the body will also be pierced by the shaft, causing an even greater wound.


a scroll of acid stream



This scroll has an amazing and notoriously dangerous spell cast into it.  When read properly the scroll will bring forth a stream of acid so powerful that not only will it damage the person hit by it, but destroy their items as well.  Though this may not destroy all magical items, normal items such as swords or shields may be instantly destroyed.  This has been known to be of great use by wizards who mean to eliminate a warriors advantage before the battle evil begins.




This scroll when read will cause an arrow of pure acid to stream into the victim causing corrosive damage to their body.  Because it is in the form of an arrow the body will also be pierced by the shaft, causing an even greater wound.


a scroll of glowing aura 



This scroll is one of the greatest spells every created.  When the incantation is completed, an aura of glowing light will surround the target, causing them to glow.  It may also provide light to those who can not see.


1 hour/level

Effect  Colours your title

This scroll is one of the greatest spells every created.  When the incantation is completed, an aura of glowing light will surround the target, causing them to glow.  It may also provide light to those who can not see.


scroll of lightning bolt



A powerful scroll made by a somewhat powerful wizard, the scroll can be used to send powerful bolts of lightning into an enemy.



Effect  Damage in combat

To use this scroll you must have some concept of the language of Malgyk.  You also need some willpower to control the spell as well as the intelligence to totally understand the magic you are reading.  It can kill nearly all small mortals as well as do quite a bit of electrical damage to bigger creatures as well.



scroll of vampiric touch



In your hand is a scroll of power and some would say evil.  When read the power of life and death becomes one with the caster.  As you reach out to touch your foe, a green aura will surround them.  If successful any harm done to your target will immediately be used to heal you.




This is a scroll, written in an unfamiliar language. In your hand is a scroll of power and some would say evil.  When read the power of life and death becomes one with the caster.  As you reach out to touch your foe, a green aura will surround them.  If successful any harm done to your target will immediately be used to heal you.


scroll of mage armor



This spell is fantastic.  When cast a magical suit of golden armor will surround the caster.  Not quite as good as resistances, it will still provide better armor than most things that a mage can use.  It can also only be used on the reader himself.


10 minutes + 1 minute/level

Effect  Summons a suit of golden mage armor that if the caster is a Spell Caster they can wear for bonus AC

This scroll, like most others in Kanori require a knowledge of the language of Malgyk.  Though not very difficult to cast the user must have at least a good understanding of the language.  When cast a suit of magical, golden armor will surround the caster granting them the armor class of similar plate mail.  It can also only be used on the reader himself.


scroll of magic missile



This is a scroll of a familiar, easy to cast and yet effective spell.  When cast, a number of energy particles or missiles will spray forth unerringly towards the target, always striking then.  The number of missiles is directly related to the power of the wizard who created the scroll.




This is a scroll of a familiar, easy to cast and yet effective spell.  When cast, a number of energy particles or missiles will spray forth unerringly towards the target, always striking then.  The number of missiles is directly related to the power of the wizard who created the scroll.


scroll of inflict wounds



This evil scroll will cause unholy energy to flow over the target.  Known only to those who practice the art of evil prayer, these spells can turn the tide against even the holiest of paladins! 




This evil scroll will cause unholy energy to flow over the target.  Known only to those who practice the art of evil prayer, these spells can turn the tide against even the holiest of paladins!


scroll of fear



This scroll can cast the spell fear, a useful spell if in a bind.  If an evil monster is blocking your path it can force them to flee in terror, randomly running away.  There are drawbacks to the spell however and monsters that are normally less aggressive will instantly attack you upon failure.  The spell can only be used effectively on those who have not resisted before and failure will result in the target being immune to your fear spells until killed.




This scroll can cast the spell fear, a useful spell if in a bind.  If an evil monster is blocking your path it can force them to flee in terror, randomly running away.  There are drawbacks to the spell however and monsters that are normally less aggressive will instantly attack you upon failure.  The spell can only be used effectively on those who have not resisted before and failure will result in the target being immune to your fear spells until killed.


scroll of scorching ray



Fiery hot energy will flow from this scroll when the incantation is complete. It will engulf and consume the enemy hopefully leaving only a charred, blackened area where the ray strikes.




Fiery hot energy will flow from this scroll when the incantation is complete. It will engulf and consume the enemy hopefully leaving only a charred, blackened area where the ray strikes.


a scroll of destruction



One of the most powerful spells in existence is in your hands.  With but a word, you can do massive damage to an enemy.  If the proper magical auras exist, you can even eliminate their entire existence.




This scroll is powerful.  It is capable of inflicting massive damage on an enemy.  It is so powerful in fact that after the spell is cast there is minimum of twenty percent chance that the creature perishes immediately!  Higher willpower will up the chances of the spell destroying the creature more consistantly.  Fornunately for the mortal heroes of the realm, this spell does not work so well against them and the chances of it destroying them are only about a quarter of that.



scroll of energy bolt



This is a minor scroll of energy bolt written in the Malgyk language.  When read a bolt of pure energy will arc towards the victim, causing exploding boils on the skin.  Though the damage is not great, the scrolls power goes off very quickly. 




To use this scroll you need a small knowledge of the language of Malgyk along with at least minimal intelligence and willpower and the ability to read languages.   It will cause a bolt of energy to shoot into the target, causing painful boils on the skin.


scroll of haste



One of the more powerful spells to be found is written on this scroll.  Haste.  When read, the magic will give the target an extra attack for a limited amount of time.


2 minutes + 1 minute/level


This scroll, like most others in Kanori require a knowledge of the language of Malgyk.  This scroll, due to its power requires an intermediate such knowledge.  The user will also need high enough willpower and intelligence to control the use of the power.


scroll of create lesser undead



When read properly this spell will create a number of skeletons to help do battle with you.  These skeletons will be undead creations that will attack only what the spellcaster is currently fighting.  Although it can be cast by anyone, it is most successful when used by a necromancer.


10 minutes + 2 minutes/level


 > You say in Xins: Rise from the ground.

You say in Xins: Come to my aid.

You say in Xins: Battle for me.

You say in Xins: Destroy my foes.

You say in Xins: Heed my call!

The scroll crumbles to dust...

A lesser skeleton rises from the ground!


Skeleton can then be controlled: 

> skeleton commands

      The skeleton will attempt to obey the following commands      


skeleton follow            - to have the skeleton follow you        

skeleton wait              - to make the skeleton stop following you

skeleton say <message>     - to make the skeleton talk              

skeleton kill <target>     - to make the skeleton attack a target   

skeleton dismiss           - to dismiss the skeleton                

skeleton status            - to see how healthy the skeleton is   




When read properly this spell will create a number of skeletons to help do battle with you.  These skeletons will be undead creations that will attack only what the spellcaster is currently fighting.  Although it can be cast by anyone, it is most successful when used by a necromancer.


scroll of owl's wisdom



This scroll when read will increase the recipient's control of oneself.  Like all scrolls, the duration and power of the scroll relates directly to the wizard who created it.  It also requires a working knowledge of the language of Malgyk, as well as relative intelligence and willpower.

This scroll is significantly complex and is written in Malgyk.

10 minutes + 15 seconds/level

Effect  +40 wil

This scroll when read will increase the recipient's control of oneself.  Like all scrolls, the duration and power of the scroll relates directly to the wizard who created it.  It also requires a working knowledge of the language of Malgyk, as well as relative intelligence and willpower.


scroll of kinetic blast



A blast of pure energy will surge forth from the hand of the caster causing a wave of kinetic force to blast into the victim.  Powerful and effective the energy released can cause massive damage to most foes.

This scroll is quite complex and is written in Malgyk.



You say in Malgyk: Power of potential enter me.

You say in Malgyk: Change to your kinetic kind.

You say in Malgyk: Against my foes I release you!

The scroll crumbles to dust...

Kinetic energy forms on your hand.

A beam of pure energy streams through the air and into Sugar magnolia!

You killed Sugar magnolia!

l corpse

This is the body of Sugar magnolia.

Death seems to have occured by: energy.


A blast of pure energy will surge forth from the hand of the caster causing a wave of kinetic force to blast into the victim.  Powerful and effective the energy released can cause massive damage to most foes.


scroll of ape strength 



This scroll when read will increase the recipient's strength and muscle.  Like all scrolls, the duration and power of the scroll relates directly to the wizard who created it.  It also requires a working knowledge of the language of Malgyk, as well as relative intelligence and willpower.

This scroll is significantly complex and is written in Malgyk.

10 minutes + 15 seconds/level

Effect  +50 str



scroll of cat's grace



This scroll when read will increase the recipient's speed and ability to move fast.  Like all scrolls, the duration and power of this scroll relates directly to the wizard who created it.  It also requires a working knowledge of the language of Malgyk, as well as relative intelligence and willpower.


10 minutes + 15 seconds/level

Effect   +50 dex

This scroll when read will increase the recipient's speed and ability to move fast.  Like all scrolls, the duration and power of this scroll relates directly to the wizard who created it.  It also requires a working knowledge of the language of Malgyk, as well as relative intelligence and willpower.


scroll of corrosive wave



This spell is similar to the spell called acid stream except it is much more powerful.  The damage it deals to anything it touches is substantially more and it has a greater chance to destroy magical items it comes in contact with.  Like the regular stream of acid it will destroy most other items on contact.




read scroll at eyeball

You start to read from the scroll.

> You say in Xins: Evil flow into my hands!

You say in Xins: Destroy my goodly foes!

The scroll crumbles to dust...

Your hands crackle with dark energy.  A stream of blackness shoots forth into Floating eyeball.




a scroll of defiling



This scroll has pure evil written on it.  When read the scroll turns black, almost into ash.  It begins to glow and then suddenly will release the unholy powers of energy draining.  Immediately, if successful a stream of black energy will burst forth and surround the victim, with it, the agony of millions of unholy souls washing over their body.  Created most often by necromantic magic it uses the power of the undead to give it is incredible potency.  It does take time to cast, however the power it yields to destroy is great.




This scroll has pure evil written on it.  When read the scroll turns black, almost into ash.  It begins to glow and then suddenly will release the unholy powers of energy draining.  Immediately, if successful a stream of black energy will burst forth and surround the victim, with it, the agony of millions of unholy souls washing over their body.  Created most often by necromantic magic it uses the power of the undead to give it is incredible potency.


It is also said that if the creator of the scroll is of a high enough level that the spell's power maybe increase substantially to the point of even instantly killing a target.


One warning however.  This is a very evil power.  Using it will have adverse effects on your soul. 


a scroll of feeblemind



The mind can be a powerful weapon.  The spell on this scroll is meant to negate that.  When cast properly the spell can negate an incredible amount of the victim's intelligence.  This effect is only temporary, however during the effects of the spell, the victim may lose abilities to cast spells, or even to function at all.






a scroll of sonic scream



This scroll will cause a loud, extremely high-pitched scream to explode from the casters mouth.  The sound will be so devastating that it will cause ears to bleed and with that, the victim's hands will instantly attempt to shield their ears causing a delay to their combat.  When used properly this spell can be deadly, especially to those with a weakness to sound.




This scroll will cause a loud, extremely high-pitched scream to explode from the casters mouth.  The sound will be so devastating that it will cause ears to bleed and with that, the victim's hands will instantly attempt to shield their ears causing a delay to their combat.  When used properly this spell can be deadly, especially to those with a weakness to sound.


a scroll of power word stun



This spell is a powerful aid to anyone who may use it.  With but a word the caster of this spell can send a blast of force into their opponent in an attempt to stun her.  If successful the caster will have some time where their victim as at their mercy and is open to attack.  Success does depend on a few factors however.  The level of the wizard who created the spell will affect how long the stun lasts as well as how effective it is on an opponent. In other words the higher the level of the wizard who made it the more effective the spell will be. 

This scroll is quite complex and is written in Xins.



This spell is a powerful aid to anyone who may use it.  With but a word the caster of this spell can send a blast of force into their opponent in an attempt to stun her.  If successful the caster will have some time where their victim as at their mercy and is open to attack.  Success does depend on a few factors however.  The level of the wizard who created the spell will affect how long the stun lasts as well as how effective it is on an opponent.  In other words the higher the level of the wizard who made it the more effective the spell will be.


To use this scroll you will need to be quite proficient at reading languages and understanding the specific language of Xins.  You will also need to be moderately willful and have good intellect.



a scroll of power word kill



One of the most powerful spells in existence, the power word kill has the ability instantly kill a victim when cast at the right time.  The spell when cast gets its power from the victims weakness, in other words their lack of health.  This means that for the spell to be effective the victim must be hurt to the point that at least half of their life force is gone.


Once this happens there is only one more obstacle in the way. 

The experience of the victim versus the caster level of the wizard who made this scroll.  For instance if a mid level wizard were to attempt to kill the great Torr with this spell, it would be impossible since Torr is so much more experienced against the perils of magic.  If however someone attempted to cast it against a troll per say, death would be guaranteed.  Finally if the spell was created by a maximum level wizard such as Kalazar, even the great Torr would perish beneath it, the only resistance some sort of protection against death magic.


Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, this skill requires an incredible level of intelligence and very high willpower as well.  Since it is a spell of pure evil, an extremely high level of the language of Xins must also be known.  Of course as with all scrolls, reading languages is just as important because it allows the reader to completely understand AND manipulate the language of the magic he or she will be reading.

This scroll is highly complex and is written in Xins



One of the most powerful spells in existence, the power word kill has the ability instantly kill a victim when cast at the right time.  The spell when cast gets its power from the victims weakness, in other words their lack of health.  This means that for the spell to be effective the victim must be hurt to the point that at least half of their life force is gone.


Once this happens there is only one more obstacle in the way. 

The experience of the victim versus the caster level of the wizard who made this scroll.  For instance if a mid level wizard were to attempt to kill the great Torr with this spell, it would be impossible since Torr is so much more experienced against the perils of magic.  If however someone attempted to cast it against a troll per say, death would be guaranteed.  Finally if the spell was created by a maximum level wizard such as Kalazar, even the great Torr would perish beneath it, the only resistance some sort of protection against death magic.


Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, this skill requires an incredible level of intelligence and very high willpower as well.  Since it is a spell of pure evil, an extremely high level of the language of Xins must also be known.  Of course as with all scrolls, reading languages is just as important because it allows the reader to completely understand AND manipulate the language of the magic he or she will be reading.



a scroll of power of the warlock



This spell will grant a warlock a tremendous burst of power.  When cast the warlock will become a conduit for magic, a magic so pure that it will amplify her own.  This amplification will cause certain spells cast by the warlock to become more powerful or even last longer.  This magic, while affecting all powers of the warlock, will enhance those of much more so than others.  While its affects are not permanent, the spell can make a mediocre warlock into someone to be wary of and a powerful one into a force to be reckoned with.  Since the spell is only for warlocks it is important they be familiar with the magic in order to use the scroll so the ability to 'ignite' a spell is required.

This scroll is significantly complex and is written in Culdasian.

10 minutes + 1 minute/level


+3 combine

+3 ball lightning

+6 burning grasp

+6 firestorm

+6 ignite

+6 pyro strike

+6 pyro shield

+12 mass fireball




a scroll of power of disintegration



Long ago, wizards needed a way to break into castles, walls and various structures.  What they came up with instead was a spell so deadly, that neither flesh nor stone was safe.  The spell of disintegration is a powerful one and can be used to utterly destroy its target.  But be wary.  Reading the scroll improperly or without a target can have grave consequences.

This scroll is highly complex and is written in Xins.





This is a scroll of pure evil.  When cast upon a victim it can, upon success utterly destroy them, breaking their bodies down into atoms.  In order to use this scroll you must be extremely skilled in the evil language of Xinsil, and be extremely intelligent and strong of will.





Scroll Requirements


Description Skill level required 
This scroll is quite complex and is written in <language>. 50 <language>
This scroll is significantly complex and is written in <language>. 
40 <language> 
This scroll is moderately complex and is written in <language>. 35 <language> 
 This scroll is slightly complex and is written in <language>.






Chaos Dungeon Scrolls

a scroll of great healing

This is a scroll of the purest and strongest healing magic. Whosoever is the target of the scroll has her wounds fully healed, poison removed, and diseases cured. If you have enough talent at languages to read the scroll, then you can probably enscribe a copy of this scroll should you have the materials.

a scroll of healing

This is a scroll of purest healing magic. Whosoever is the target of the scroll has her wounds healed, even those infected by disease. If you have enough talent at languages to read the scroll, then you can probably enscribe a copy of this scroll should you have the materials.

This scroll is moderately complex and is written in Silvari.

a scroll of plague of rats

This is a scroll with the ancient magicks of the dark enscribed upon it.
Should you read the scroll, the spell shall be unleashed upon the world around you. This spell cannot be targeted at any one person, for the plague spreads across the land.

This scroll is moderately complex and is written in Darktongue.


a scroll of fireball

This is a scroll with the ancient magicks of fire enscribed upon it. Should you read the scroll, the spell shall be unleashed upon the world around you. But if you haven't the training at this sort of magick and direction of chaos powers, then it will fail every time. If you have enough talent at languages to read the scroll, then you can probably enscribe a copy of this scroll should you have the materials.

The spell is inscribed upon it {X} times.


Can only be used be warlocks and instantly casts fireball.


a dwarven raincheck

This is a dwarven raincheck. Evidently someone found the dwarven weaponsmith while he was out of stock, and he gave them a raincheck. When read, this should bring him to you.


a scroll of reverse damage [offline]

This is the greatest of protective magics known. Greater, even, than spells of invulnerability, for while under the effects of this incantation, all harm dealt to the target is inverted into magical healing. If you have enough talent at languages to read the scroll, then you can probably enscribe a copy of this scroll should you have the materials.


a scroll of timestop [offline]

No longer available